Anytify makes it easy to send notifications to your group chats, personal chat, or any application with simple API integration.
Get StartedSimple API allows you to integrate notifications with any service or application in minutes.
Send notifications to group chats, keeping your team informed in real-time.
Customize your notifications with text, images, and stickers for better engagement.
Anytify is a service that makes it easy to send notifications to your group chats or personal chats. With a simple API, you can integrate notifications into your applications, services, or websites.
Anytify is a service that makes it easy to send notifications to your group chats or personal chats. With a simple API, you can integrate notifications into your applications, services, or websites.
To get started with Anytify, follow these steps:
Anytify uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication and authorization. The following endpoints are available for OAuth operations:
This endpoint is used to exchange an authorization code for an access token.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
grant_type | String | Yes | Must be "authorization_code" |
code | String | Yes | Authorization code received from the authorize endpoint |
redirect_uri | String | Yes | Same redirect_uri used in the authorize request |
client_id | String | Yes | Your client ID |
client_secret | String | Yes | Your client secret |
curl -X POST \ -F 'grant_type=authorization_code' \ -F 'code=XXXXXXX' \ -F 'redirect_uri=' \ -F 'client_id=XXXXXXX' \ -F 'client_secret=XXXXXXX'
{ "access_token": "XXXXXXX", "token_type": "Bearer" }
The Notify API provides endpoints for sending notifications and managing access tokens:
This endpoint is used to check the status of an access token.
Header | Value |
Authorization | Bearer {access_token} |
curl -X GET \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXXXXXX'
{ "status": 200, "message": "ok", "targetType": "USER", "target": "User Name" }
This endpoint is used to send notifications to users or groups.
Header | Value |
Authorization | Bearer {access_token} |
Content-Type | application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
message | String | Yes | Notification message (Max: 1000 characters) |
imageFile | File | No | Image file to send (Max: 10MB, JPEG only) |
imageThumbnail | String | No | Image thumbnail URL (Max: 240×240px, JPEG only) |
imageFullsize | String | No | Image full size URL (Max: 2048×2048px, JPEG only) |
stickerPackageId | Number | No | Sticker package ID |
stickerId | Number | No | Sticker ID |
notificationDisabled | Boolean | No | True to disable notification sound |
curl -X POST \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXXXXXX' \ -F 'message=Hello, this is a test notification!' \ -F 'imageFile=@/path/to/image.jpg'
{ "status": 200, "message": "ok" }
This endpoint is used to revoke an access token.
Header | Value |
Authorization | Bearer {access_token} |
curl -X POST \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXXXXXX'
{ "status": 200, "message": "ok" }
The Anytify API has the following rate limits:
Status Code | Error Message | Description |
400 | Invalid parameter | A required parameter is missing or invalid |
401 | Invalid access token | The access token is invalid or expired |
429 | Rate limit exceeded | Too many requests sent in a short time |
500 | Server error | An error occurred on the server |